Nick's Clinic
Massage Therapies in Cambridge & Oakington
Helping to keep Nick’s Clinic a Hygienic Environment
Updated 17.10.2022
Dear Friends,
Following a risk assessment of Nick's Clinic, please find below the precautions I have taken to keep Nick’s Clinic in Oakington a Covid-19 secure environment, as well as steps you need to take to help keep Nick’s Clinic a hygienic therapeutic space.
Nick’s Clinic is a small business situated within a large well-ventilated treatment room with its own bathroom facilities. The number of treatments are limited and by appointment only.
Patient Responsibility
If you are experiencing a new, continuous cough, a fever, a loss of smell and taste, or have been in contact with someone who has during the last 14 day, please call to rearrange your appointment. There will be no cancellation fee.
Note: it is standard practice that Remedial Massage treatments are not given to anyone with an infectious disease.
If you are considered vulnerable to the effects of Covid-19, or live with someone who is, consider carefully if treatment at this time is necessary. I apologise in advance if through my professional judgment I cannot treat you at the moment.
Face Coverings for Therapist and Patient
For your treatment (hands-on work), on request I can wear a three layer Type 2 mask. At all other times I will maintain a 2 metre distance. Should you chose to wear a face mask please feel free to do so.
Your face covering can be removed for the treatment as breathing may become difficult when lying on your front.
Patient Journey Though Nick’s Clinic
Please arrive promptly bring with you a bath size towel. The reception area is now open should you arrive early.
On entry, please wash your hands in the bathroom.
After a brief consultation, I will leave the therapy area as usual to allow you to change.
The massage bench will be covered in fresh medical couch roll, vinyl bolsters and pillows maybe used to support your lower back, head and feet.
I will wash my hands and fix my face covering if required before re-entering the therapy area. The majority of your treatment will take place lying face down.
Once your treatment has finished, I will again leave the area so you can change and so that I can wash my hands and remove my face coverings.
Exiting the Therapy Room
Please bring your own water bottle, but I am happy to provide a drink upon request.
Payment can be made via internet banking, cash or cheque.
I will then clean the massage couch, paying extra attention to the vinyl face cradle/head rest. I will also clean surfaces and fixtures in the therapy room and bathroom in preparation for the next appointment.
Other New Precautions
- New sequential cleaning regime between treatments for the premises and equipment.
- The number of daily treatments has been reduced to allow for space between appointments.
Thank You
Thanks for taking the time to read the above and please do visit again for further updates. I am open to any ideas you may have as to how I can improve your experience of Nick’s Clinic and would encourage you to be forthcoming with questions concerning your visit.
I hope these precautions go some way towards building your confidence in Nick’s Clinic and in receiving a massage, a most ancient and yet progressive form of healing.
Best of health